You are the Information System Director (ISD) and your role is to provide the tools necessary for the proper functioning of your company while respecting the business constraints.

To facilitate the management of the entire organization, you have an ERP whose functional scope covers 80 to 90% of your needs and you are aware that it is necessary, for certain businesses, to use dedicated software for reasons of efficiency. This is the case for accounts receivable management and more specifically for the collection department which, in order to be efficient, needs to rely on collection software.

10 reasons to choose ELOFICASH

1. Perfect integration with your information system

The ELOFICASH software for managing accounts receivable (dunning, risk, disputes) interfaces with your existing information system to bring together all the information necessary for managing accounts receivable (invoices, credit notes, contracts, payment deadlines, CRM, etc.). Connectors are put in place and the tool is able to connect to all ERP systems on the market.

2. A simple and fast deployment

To facilitate its deployment and use, ELOFICASH is accessible from a web browser. Available in SaaS or on Promise mode, the customer workstation monitoring software is accessible at any time, on all media (mobile, tablet, computer) and does not require any installation on the customer workstations.

 3. Data security

In order to guarantee data security, ELOFICASH is developed on a robust architecture and reliable databases. The offer is based either on a Saas/Cloud structure 100% French via its partner ASP SERVEUR which guarantees the best availability rates (100%, TIER IV). The contractual approach also allows you to choose your own hosting.

You can choose your architecture and infrastructure with the possibility of changes and evolution at any time.

ELOFICASH respects the OWASP guidelines.

4. Versioning and updates

Aware of the specificities of the business and in order to best adapt to the organizations in place, the versioning functions are managed by “versioning” functions that take into account the adaptations of the application in parameters for each client.

Views, reports and personalized fields also follow the software package’s evolution.

5. An application designed according to standards

The conceptual model of the data has been developed in English and the application responds to international issues, in particular thanks to a UNICODE coding. To date, ELOFICASH is available in 5 languages. In a context of multinational companies, users can connect simultaneously in several languages to the same database. In addition, the user addresses his client in the latter’s language.

The solution is based on a SQL Server database, into which the data and business rules are directly transcribed in order to optimize performance.

6. An integrated ETL: TALEND

Covline has chosen to integrate the world-renowned and open source ETL TALEND to ELOFICASH. Thanks to this simple and accessible ETL, data imports are performed intuitively and efficiently from selected or calculated data.

Thanks to its communication platform based on TALEND, ELOFICASH can accommodate any data structure, transform it and add business rules to it.

7. Volumetry

ELOFICASH is based on an optimized SQL Server platform capable of handling any type of data volume, managing and securing access with a truly international dimension.

8. Access management

Access and rights management has been designed for advanced use. The parameterization of rights can be done via group management in compliance with the 1421269096_parameters-128 confidentiality and security requirements.

9. Connector with credit insurers, publishing companies and financial information providers.

ELOFICASH relies on “web-services” type connectors. There are connectors responsible for importing financial information from specialized companies, and more advanced connectors capable of automatically exchanging information with credit insurance entities, for example.

Data provider connectors: Credit Safe, Ellisphere,..

Desktop publishing connectors: Esker, Maileva,…

Credit insurance connectors: Euler Hermes, Atradius,…

10. Data historization

All data is historized in order to have a complete traceability when needed.

ELOFICASH is an observatory of customer behavior capable of calculating statistics and predictions of collections.

Bonus : 11. 20% reduction in average payment time

On average, thanks to the ELOFICASH debt collection software, our customers have significantly reduced the average payment time of their customers!

Want to know more about how ELOFICASH works?

Fill out the form below to make an appointment with one of our experts and attend a detailed presentation of ELOFICASH that will allow you to optimize the management of your receivables now.

Reduce your DSO by 20% too!