The solution of optimization of the working capital ELOFICASH is edited by the company COVLINE.

Editor trade, COVLINE is illustrated by the exper tise of its team which capitalizes several decades of experience. Also by the technological relevance of its software solution ELOFICASH.

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This last one answers all the stakes of cash management. In risk prevention, in amicable collection and in the processing of corporate litigation. ELOFICASH can be integrated into any information system to exploit, process and take advantage of the data necessary for collection, in multiple languages, companies, currencies and payers. 

In addition to guaranteeing indicators and a “flawless” follow-up of actions, ELOFICASH is a collaborative solution open to the company’s ecosystem. From the exchange between employees via Smartphone, forum, workflow… to the collection of information from third parties – credit insurers, suppliers of financial, legal and other data…

Faithful to its positioning, the editor COVLINE has an indirect approach, creating added value for the customers. It has a network of specialists – integrators, consulting firms – with specialized competences which build, from ELOFICASH, in license mode or in SaaS mode, personalized solutions, integrating the specificities of each company.

Strong of these assets, the editor COVLINE displays worldwide ambitions. In particular in Europe, Africa, North and South America. It is clear that COVLINE has a strategy and an organizational model at the service of a new software culture of Cash Management where reactivity, industrialization of the R&D and networking prevail.