As a Credit Manager, your role is to guarantee the security of your company’s turnover and to allow it to develop while providing solutions to the risks of non-payment.

Your credit management function relies on an organization, processes and tools that must be optimized to allow you and your teams to focus on business expertise and value-added actions.

Because customer credit management requires functional and technical skills, the customer credit manager must be equipped with software that meets the business needs and objectives of the company strategy.

With Covline Services, we offer you an eco-system of consultants and business experts who can meet your customer credit management needs in an operational and concrete way. Upstream or downstream of the project, we support you to optimize the management of your receivables.

10 reasons to choose ELOFICASH & COVLINE Services

1. Reduce your DSO by 20%.

On average, thanks to the software package of debt collection ELOFICASH, our customers, such as Toshiba, La Générale de Santé or the Group Nice Matin, have reduced by 20% the average delay of payment of their customers!

2. Prioritize your actions with agenda management

With ELOFISCASH, thanks to your agenda on your dashboard, you can follow your daily actions and those of your teams.

ELOFISCASH offers you a dynamic and ergonomic dashboard that allows you to monitor key indicators. In the form of reports or graphs, they will allow you to have, at a glance, a synthetic view of your customer account.

 3. Automate all or part of your customer reminders

ELOFICASH allows you to determine the phases of your dunning scenarios that you wish to automate, and which will be carried out without any action.

The automation can be done on one or several steps, and allows your teams to focus on value-added follow-up.

4. Interact with your litigation files

Litigation files are often long and complex to process.

With ELOFICASH, you can manage the dispute with a complete access to the file on the same screen.

With our workflows, you will be able to interact with your contacts so that they can provide you with concrete answers that will directly feed the dispute file on ELOFICASH.

5. Control your reminder scenarios

Like the user interface, the ELOFICASH collection software package offers standard reminder scenarios that you can fully configure, in terms of message content, sending vector, rhythm and recipients. Indeed, it is not uncommon to segment your customers according to their importance, their solvency and their payment habits.

6. Improve your credit management processes

Covline services, thanks to the expertise of its consultants, offers you an audit of your organization and your procedures, and thus allows you to optimize your company’s customer credit management by identifying your strong points and points for improvement.

7. Train yourself and your teams

Credit management and collection are technical and expert jobs, which call for many skills (legal, commercial, financial, accounting,…). Covline, referenced by Data Dock, and having an eco system of qualified trainers, brings you the knowledge and complementary skills that will enhance the exercise of your function.

8. Make your collection software your own

Buying a software is good, making it your own is better. With Covline Services, we accompany you from the pre-project to the start-up, to make ELOFICASH the tool that meets the operational and concrete needs of your company and your daily management and that of your teams.

9. Build with us the best business analysis

Customized dashboards to know your points of efficiency and improvement to optimize the working capital of your company.

10. Put in place:

A follow-up of risk coverage and your alert tools to anticipate unpaid invoices and business failures with personalized methods adapted to your organization.

Want to know more about how ELOFICASH works?

Fill out the form below to make an appointment with one of our experts and attend a detailed presentation of ELOFICASH that will allow you to optimize the management of your receivables now.

Reduce your DSO by 20% too!